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29 avril 2008

George Louis

George Louis
Is that a bird ? Is it a plane ? No, it's George Lois !This guy is a legend. Maybe you remember his Esquire covers, or the MTV ad, or the Art of Advertising book... He's the guy that helped create VH1 (god bless him), he created the NewYorkSupplement...
23 juin 2008


The Pixar movie Wall-E will be in theaters July 30 in France (June 28th in US, lucky bastards). According to the Wikipedia Page:"WALL-E is the story of the last little robot on Earth. He is a robot and his programming was to help clean up. You see, it's...
8 avril 2010

Silence 4 Etoiles

Silence 4 Etoiles
Vous aurez reconnu Holymother, avec qui je suis allée le week end dernier rejoindre la Ookah family dans un relai & chateau 4 étoiles. Pendant que j'y suis, je tiens à éclaircir un point : les enfants mentionnés ici ne sont que de vulgaires inconnus,...
15 avril 2008


344 shows Stefan G. Butcher's collection of commissionned work & personnal projects. But beside his work, check his Daily Monster project. For 100 days, he filmed himself drawing little monsters, one per day, and asked people to come up with back stories...
10 avril 2008

Grain Edit

Grain Edit
The sentence I've heard too many times about my work : "This looks way too vintage". And then : "You're stuck in your own little world". Ok, so I like pin-ups and vintage typography, and old cigarette ads. This doesn't mean that I can't produce a fine...
8 avril 2008

All That Jazz

All That Jazz
Considering that my last entry on OOKAH - Go comb your hair was on December 25th, I though it was time to start all over again. Plus, there's a two major reasons why I won't continue on the old photo blog : - It was old. (No, really?) I mean, old graphics,...
9 avril 2008


It may be a disease. Or a deep-rooted obsession I could track back to the funny kid's books my parents bought me. Anyhow, I suffer from severe graphicbookbuyingmania. Which is a good thing, since I'm a graphic student. But still, it's kind of worrying....
15 avril 2008

Chris Ware

Chris Ware
While searching for new pictures, I stumbled upon jKaczmarek's portfolio. His work is kind of retro, colorful and sweet. When I came upon this work for "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium", I was delighted : Isn't this Chris Ware-like ? For those who don't...
23 avril 2008

Let's talk Pack

Let's talk Pack
Packaging is a very interesting area of design. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd do mock-up packs all day long. I mean, it's great : you combine the print work (pics, type and whatever) AND the volume work to make a product. Possibilities are infinite. The only...
10 avril 2008

Let's Start Forking

Let's Start Forking
For those of you who did not attend the opening party, my exhibit in collaboration with Georgia is still at the Café Titon, 34 rue Titon, 75011 Paris. There's 14 pictures in different size, the bigger being 1.20m tall. If you're interested into acquiring...
9 avril 2008

The future of graphic press

The future of graphic press
Just this week-end, I was on a car trip with 3 other graphic-oriented people. (Put like that, it sounds like a cult. It's not. We weren't going to a typographic convention or anything. We were heading to the Casino. Yep. We lost.) Out of the 4 of us (pay...
9 avril 2008


Jessica Hagy might be a bit weird, but she's also extremely funny. Every day, she post an index card on her blog, describing simple situations or life truth with simple charts and graphs. Some index cards are a bit hard to understand if you've never encounter...
10 juin 2008


-18 As a 1930s wife, I am Very Poor (Failure) Take the test! Scoring: 0-24 - Very Poor (Failure)25-41 - Poor42-58 - Average59-75 - Superior76+ - Very Superior Apparement, je ne serais pas une bonne épouse en 1930. Je crois que c'est parce que j'ai répondu...
2 juillet 2008

Le téléfilm du début d'après-midi

Le téléfilm du début d'après-midi
M6, centre culturel. Aujourd'hui, magnifique téléfilm : Le Secret Du Loch Ness. En gros, un gamin pas chanceux dans la vie, élevé par sa mère surbookée-de-la-life-non-j'ai-pas-le-temps-de-faire-ma-déclaration-d'impôts, doit veiller sur son grand-père...
2 juillet 2008

Wall-E and Stuff

Wall-E and Stuff
Just to remind you the LotsOfBots book is available on Amazon. It's illustrated by Ben Butcher and it's very cute. I know I've already posted on Wall-e Artwork, but I found a bunch of similar Pixar artwork on SlashFilms, about The Incredibles and Ratatouille,...
16 avril 2008

Land of useless (& absolutly necessary)

Land of useless (& absolutly necessary)
(click to see full size) Feeling depressed by ugly USB keys ? Always losing those little bits of grey plastic ? BEHOOOOLD... MIMOBOT. On MIMOBOT, you can acquire the bastard kids of USB keys & Artoys, some kind of arty USB device to show off a work. There's...
30 mai 2008

End of May...

End of May...
(via Ffffound) Actually, I don't PRETEND to work. I want to work, I like my current project, and I have the motivation for it. But stuff always get in the way. Like the 50 minute waiting line at the Post Office. Or the essential quest for Post-Its. Or...
24 avril 2008


It must be some childhood memory, but I still LOVE paper toys. You known, those printed sheets of paper you have to cut out, fold and glue to make some object or character. Well, there is a place for that. Check the Forum en Papier, the Canon Paper Site,...
16 avril 2008


(Click for full-size pic) Sleevage is a blog/website about music cover art, from the 60s to the last trend. But what's interesting on Sleevage is that they don't stop at showing famous covers. Each article sums up the different versions, the singles,...
18 décembre 2012

Biscuits de Noël

Biscuits de Noël
Bonjour les amis ! Entre les prépations de Noël, le travail qui s'amoncelle et la fin du monde qui approche à grands pas,ne nous laissons pas abattre, mangeons des biscuits ! Je participe à un petit concours sur le site de Glamour.Le thème était 'les...
28 novembre 2009

Holiday seasooooon

Bonsoir à tous ! Bon comme je disais en début de semaine, j'ai bossé en agence donc pas trop eu le temps de faire des petits mickeys pour le blog. Mais je vous aime tous quand même, et vous aurez de nouveaux dessins très vite.Et dans un esprit de Noël...
13 septembre 2010

WonderColoc encore et encore...

Bonjouuuur ! J'avance encore sur la BD WonderColoc, et pour que ce soit plus simple je la publie (en partie hein, je vous réserve des surprises dans la version papier of course) sur Manolosanctis. Ca me motive à avancer sur mes pages et à voir ce que...
1 septembre 2008

Old Times

Alors, dans mon temps libre je traine sur youtube et dailymotion, et je tape ce qui me passe par la tête. Je sais, c'est pas passionnant. Sauf que là j'ai tapé "shebeen", pour voir, un peu comme tu tape le nom de ton amoureux du primaire dans facebook...
26 février 2010

Mind le Gap !

Bon, finalement j'avais dit que vous n'auriez pas d'update, mais en voilà encore une, avec une floppée le liens !Barbara, du blog Mind le Gap, m'a soumis son questionnaire "L'avis des Autres". J'y suis décrite comme "pétillante", c'est donc forcément...
15 février 2009

Quick news

Bonjour les z'amis!! Je n'ai toujours pas internet, mais je profite d'un wifi gratuit in central london pour souhaiter virtuellement un HAPPY BIRTHDAY à Holymother, qui comme vous le verrez dans la suite des London Chronicles a enormément contribué à...
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